How Can We Help?

Answers to frequently asked questions about your payment account can be found in our help articles below. Contact our dedicated support team if you need further assistance.

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Using Your Card

Merchants may run authorization charges on your card that later settle and are then in turn removed from the transaction history. Please bear in mind that these types of charges may not ‘fall off’ of your account or be reimbursed to your account for up to 30 business days following the transaction.

The merchant the charge was made through would be the merchant responsible for the release of your pending funds back to your PayQuicker account.

PayQuicker can release a hold with the proper authorization, here is what is needed to release a hold: An email/fax directly from the merchant, stating your name, the transaction date, and the amount to be released.

Example: ‘We authorize the release of funds for (name), on the date of (date), in the amount of (amount)’

This information needs to be forwarded to PayQuicker to either, or faxed to: 585-445-3488.

Typical turnaround for this is 24-48 business hours once we receive the Authorization Release at PayQuicker and are able to process the request.

Your PayQuicker card will not work for a Rental Car at this time due to pre-authorization restrictions.

Hotels may run authorization charges on your card that they later remove. Please bear in mind that these types of charges may not ‘fall off’ of your account or be “reimbursed” to your account for up to 30 days following the transaction. This is something to contact the hotel or establishment if it presents an issue for your account. The merchant the charge was made through would be the merchant responsible for the fund reimbursement to your PayQuicker account.

Due to pre-authorization restrictions, your card cannot be used at the gas pump. Simply walk inside to pay instead of paying/swiping at the pump.

For daily card spend limit amounts, please log into your account and view your Cardholder Agreement.

What is a virtual card?

A virtual card is not a plastic card. It is a digital card used exclusively for online purchases. A virtual card does not have a PIN and cannot be used at ATMs or to make purchases at retail locations*.

*Where available, load virtual card to mobile wallet for instore purchases. Click here to learn more about mobile wallets.

How can the virtual card be accessed?

To access the virtual card, log in to your online payment account and navigate to the Use My Virtual Card button in the menu. Clicking on the Use My Virtual Card button will reveal the card information.

*Two-Step Verification needs to be enabled in your account in order to view the virtual card again. See how to enable two-step verification.

How can the virtual card be used?

Card can be used everywhere Visa Debit Cards are accepted online. Simply enter the full name as it appears on the card, 16-digit card number, expiration date, and CVV2 number found on the virtual card.

*A fee may apply, please check the Fees link at the bottom of your payment account for associated fees.

Load card to mobile wallet for instore purchases where available.

*Standard data rates, fee, and charges may apply.

Which mobile wallets can be used?

  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay

How do I use the mobile wallet?

Your card can be loaded to a mobile wallet where available. For those merchants who support Apple Pay or Google Pay, open the card in your phone mobile wallet and hold it up to the payment terminal card reader to complete instore purchases.

Does the balance in my mobile wallet match my card or payment account?

Yes, the balance in the mobile wallet is the same as it is on the plastic or virtual card and in the payment account.

  • Always check your balance before using your card
  • All declined transactions incur a fee of $2.00 per transaction
  • PIN Purchase – many merchants will try to force you to use your PIN. Tell them to use Credit. PIN transactions cost $0.59 and should only be used when you want Cash Back.
  • Credit transactions have no fee (Signature transaction)
  • Some merchants (i.e. Amazon & Wal-Mart) may charge transactions as a Debit by default. Please go through the steps to change the transaction type to Credit if you want to avoid the fee
  • Your card cannot be used at the gas pump. To use your card for gas purchases, simply walk inside to pre-pay instead of paying/swiping at the pump
  • ATM Fees: When you use an ATM, a fee may be charged by the ATM operator or any network used to complete the transaction (and a fee may be charged for a balance inquiry even if you do not complete a fund transfer).

When using an ATM inside of the United States to withdraw money from your account, you will be charged a fee in addition to the fee charged by the ATM location.

When using an ATM outside of the United States to withdraw money from your account, you will be charged a fee in addition to the fee charged by the ATM location.

Please refer to your card agreement for the associated fee that will be charged to your account. Please take this fee and the fee the ATM is charging into account when withdrawing money from your PayQuicker account.

ATM Fees: When you use an ATM, a fee may be charged by the ATM operator or any network used to complete the transaction (and a fee may be charged for a balance inquiry even if you do not complete a fund transfer).

Identity Verification

Mitek, formally HooYu, is PayQuicker’s approved and trusted digital identification partner, which assists us in rapidly and securely verifying your identity so that you can use PayQuicker to get paid.

Why have my documents not been accepted?

  • Documents are most frequently rejected for the following reasons:
    • Poor lighting
    • Lack of focus
    • Documents that are partially visable
  • Mitek will inform you of what the issue is and how you can best resolve it, please follow the instructions provided.

Why is my Liveness check not being accepted?

  • Not following the on-screen instructions correctly or using an unsupported image, may contribute to your Liveness check not being accepted. When performing your Liveness check, please make sure the following conditions are met:
    • You are the only person in the frame.
    • You are in an evenly lit area with no overhead lighting.
    • You are in focus.

Why can’t my camera be accessed to complete liveness check?

  • Try opening the link in a different browser on your device if you’re having issues. Unfortunately, Mitek is incompatible with a small number of web browsers.

How can I use my phone to help complete my liveness check?

  • When you are going through the Liveness check, you can choose to use your phone by clicking the ‘Use your mobile phone’ link, which will prompt you to enter your phone number and you can continue your session on your mobile device.

How do I know my Documents have been verified?

  • Documents that have been verified will be highlighted in green. Sometimes it takes Mitek a moment to process documents. Uploaded documents waiting for approval will be highlighted in yellow.
  • You can also choose to be notified when your documents are finished by clicking the ‘Notify Me’ button on the document upload screen and by submitting your contact information. If your documents have been rejected, you will also be notified by Mitek, and you can follow their directions.
  • Once your documents have been confirmed, you will be taken to a screen indicating that your verification process is complete where you will click on the ‘Continue’ button, redirecting you back to your Account Overview page.

We are required to verify your identity to stay in compliance with the laws and regulations that are set by your local government organizations, ensuring the safety and security of your funds.

  • If I do not complete Identity Verification, will I lose access to my account?
    • No. You will continue to have access to your account, but your access will be limited. For example, you will experience restrictions on receiving payments until you have verified your identity through the Mitek KYC Solution platform.
  • Can I postpone verifying my identity?
    • Yes. When you postpone verifying your identity, you will be redirected to your Account Overview page and a banner will remind you that your ID verification remains incomplete, limiting access to your account.
  • What happens once I complete the identity verification?
    • Once your identity has been verified and you have been redirected to your Account Overview page in your account portal, you will be able to receive payments again and will receive an email that will notify you of your updated and approved account status.
  • How do I know if my Documents have been rejected?
    • Uploaded documents that have been rejected will be highlighted in red and display a red caution icon.
  • What will happen if I leave before completing my Mitek session?
    • If you become inactive while uploading your documents, Mitek will pause your session so that you can easily restart the process.

As part of the identification procedure, PayQuicker utilizes Mitek KYC Solution to verify your identity. This process is essential in protecting your sensitive information and can all be done completely on your mobile or PC device.

  1. Usually, the process should take just a few minutes. You will be asked to upload a selfie, one proof of address, and one proof of identity using your mobile or PC device.
  2. To verify that you are who you say you are, Mitek will use your documents to verify your name, date of birth, and address. Subsequently, Mitek will share verification information with us while entirely protecting your privacy.
  • Tips on Providing Proof of Identity:
    • Your entire name and date of birth on your identification documents are both clearly visible and correspond to the information that has been shared with Mitek.
    • Your identification documents must be up to date as we are unable to verify your identity with expired documentation.
    • The documents that you provide must be exactly the kind of documents that Mitek requests.
    • The pictures on your documents must be clear and of high quality.
    • All four corners of the document must be captured.
    • You may want to get away from any overhead lighting so that there will be no visible reflection.
  • Tips on Providing Proof of Address:
    • Your entire name and date of birth must be both clearly visible and correspond to the information that has been shared with Mitek.
    • Uploaded a photograph of the original document as screenshots cannot be accepted.
    • The picture is clear and of high quality.

Mitek uses a variety of techniques, including ID document authentication, facial biometrics, and digital footprints, to authenticate individuals rapidly and securely from all over the world. This expedites the application process, opening your account more quickly, and is safer than conventional paper-based validation because as we share your contact details with Mitek, they share identity verification information with us.

Yes! Your data is protected with Mitek thanks to their TLS-encrypted connection. Within 72–96 hours following the successful completion of the ID verification, Mitek KYC Solution will immediately delete all your uploaded documents used to determine your ID.

  • One of the following valid and up to date proof of identity:
    • For EU:
      • Passport
      • National Identity Card
    • For GBP:
      • Passport
      • Driver’s License
      • Identity Card
      • Travel Visa
      • Residence Permit
      • PASS Card
  • One proof of the following which display the valid date of issue, name, and current address:
    • Dated within 90 days:
      • Utility Bills i.e any gas, water broadband/internet, electricity, or land line telephone provider, apart from any mobile phone bills.
      • Bank Statements that show some transaction history (front page only), your name and current address.
    • Dated within 12 months:
      • Tax Documents including council tax statements and letters from IRS, HMRC or other national revenue department.
      • Insurance documents
  • Liveness Check:
    • A selfie for the mandatory Liveness Check which is a short motion capture that helps Mitek confirm your identity using your uploaded proofs of identity.

Account Activity

If your company has opted into PayQuicker’s tax services, your yearly 1099 can be viewed and downloaded by selecting Account > Tax Documents from the main navigation menu.

On that page, you will have access to previous 10099s as tax documentation is organized by year.

  • How will I know my Tax Documents are ready for download?
    • You will receive an email with a link that will take you to the Tax Document page or you will see a banner alerting you in your payment portal. The email will also contain information on how to find your documents.
  • What do I do if my tax information is incorrect?
    • If your tax information is incorrect, please contact PayQuicker’s Support team.
    • Once your tax documentation has been updated, you will see a new banner in your payment portal providing you with a link to view your CORRECTED 1099.

Your monthly statements can be viewed and/or printed anytime by selecting Account > Statements from the main navigation menu.

All pending transactions can be viewed by selecting Overview from the main navigation menu.

This page allows you to view a robust history of all account activity displayed in a list that you can sort and filter to meet your specific needs. You can navigate to this page by selecting Account > All Account Activity from the main navigation menu.

Think of your overview as a snapshot of your most recent activity, specifically the current balance as well as the most recent pending and completed transactions.

Account Management

What is two-step verification?

Two-step verification is a security enhancement that requires the account holder to enter both a password and approve the login request on a mobile device when logging in to the payment account to ensure authorized use.

Why should two-step verification be enabled?

Two-step verification is a standard security feature in the banking industry and provides additional safety measures against common security threats such as phishing attacks and unauthorized account access. It adds an additional layer of security to the payment account to keep funds secure. It is especially important to enable two-step verification if your identity has been compromised in the past.

What is needed to enable two-step verification?

To enable two-step verification, all that is needed is an internet browser to access the payment account, a mobile phone and the Authy app. Authy is a free authentication mobile app that can be used on Apple or Android devices. Authy generates unique verification codes which users enter as a second step when logging in to their account. 

Is two-step verification required?

Starting November 1, 2021, two-step verification will be required on all PayQuicker accounts as it is an important tool for account holders to protect their funds from potential security threats.

How can two-step verification be enabled?

Follow these steps to enable two-step verification using the Authy app:

  1. Navigate to Security Settings>Enable Two-Step Verification (you will be logged out and will need to log back into account)
  2. Click Setup Two-Step Verification button
  3. Enter mobile phone number and click Continue
  4. Open text message sent to mobile phone with link to download Authy authentication app
  5. Click the link. Install Authy mobile device app.  Open Authy app on mobile phone
  6. Enter mobile phone number and email address in Authy app when prompted and click OK
  7. Choose from push notification, phone call, or SMS methods to receive verification code needed to login to payment account
  8. Click pending “Two-Step Verification Registration” request in Authy app
  9. Verify information and click APPROVE in Authy app. Two-step verification is complete!
  10. Go to payment account and click Continue to my account

Follow these steps to enable two-step verification using SMS:

  1. Navigate to Security Settings>Enable Two-Step Verification (you will be logged out and will need to log back into account)
  2. Click Setup Two-Step Verification button
  3. Enter mobile phone number and click Continue
  4. Click Use text messaging (SMS) for Authentication or select Use SMS for Authentication from the “Having trouble, or want other options?” drop-down menu
  5. Open text message sent to mobile phone with security code
  6. Enter security code in the “Your Security Code” field
  7. Click Verify button. Two-step verification is complete!
  8. Go to payment account and click Continue to my account

This only applies if you’ve successfully added at least one valid bank account to your payment account (see Adding A Bank Account).

Removing a Bank Account

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Account > Account Settings
  2. Your bank information will appear to the right under Personal Bank Accounts
  3. Click on the delete icon to quickly remove this bank account from your payment account

 Editing a Bank Account

  1. Click on the edit icon section
  2. Edit the information desired (name, numbers, etc.)
  3. Click the Save button when finished editing

You can transfer money from your payment account to a personal bank account (see Transfer Money to a Bank“). In order to do this, you must first add your bank account information to your payment account configuration. 

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Account > Transfer Money > Add A Bank Account (the “Add Bank Account” modal window should open)
  2. Name the bank account (this can be a “friendly name” that makes sense to you)
  3. Select the Name on the Account (this may only apply if your payment account has a “Business Name” configured) (optional)
  4. Enter the Bank Information requested
  5. Click “Add Bank”

*A fee may apply, please check the Fees link at the bottom of your payment for associated fees.

Your card must be activated in order for you to use the funds in the account on the card. Follow these steps to activate your card:

USA Accountholders:

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Account > Account Settings
  2. On the Account Settings page, in the Card Information section any/all cards will be listed
  3. If the card is not yet activated, you will see an Activate Your Card link
  4. Verify that the last 6 digits of your card is correct
  5. Enter the CCV code printed on the back of your card (this is the 3-digit numerical code located on the upper right-hand side of the back of your card)
  6. Create a 4-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number)
  7. Verify the PIN
  8. Click the Activate card button

Non-USA Account Holders:

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Account > Account Settings
  2. On the Account Settings page, in the Card Information section any/all cards will be listed
  3. If the card is not yet activated, you will see an Activate Your Card link
  4. Verify that the last 6 digits of your card is correct
  5. Enter the CCV code printed on the back of your card (this is the 3-digit numerical code located on the upper right-hand side of the back of your card)
  6. Verify the 4-digit PIN (To find your card PIN, select Card > Show Card PIN in your account’s main navigation menu)
  7. Click the Activate card button

Your card order capability depends on the arrangement(s) made in your company’s PayQuicker contract — there may or may not be a cost incurred by you when ordering a card.
*A fee may apply, please check the Fees link at the bottom of your payment account for associated fees.

 We’ve done our best to disclaim this to you during the card ordering process, should you have any questions, please contact Support to inquire.

 How to order your card 

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Card > Order a Card (an “Order a Card” modal window will open)
  2. Select your address of choice for shipment; Residential or Mailing.
  3. Click the Order Card button

By selecting Account > Account Settings from the main navigation menu, you can manage your personal information and account details.

What you can edit

  • Contact information
  • Addresses
  • Business information
  • Manage your card(s)
  • Manage your Bank account(s)

Money Transfers

You can request to have us physically mail you a traditional paper check. 

*We do not advise this option as paper checks are shipped in standard US mail and are not equipped with tracking* 

  1. From the main navigation menu select Account > Transfer Money > Send Paper Check
  2. Select the address you’d like the check to be mailed to from “To” pull-down menu
  3. Enter the Monetary Amount
  4. Click the Send Check Button
  5. Check the information to confirm your details, then click Submit 

*Note paper checks can take about 10-14 business days to arrive. This does not include weekends or bank holidays*

*A fee may apply, please check the Fees link at the bottom of your payment account for associated fees.

You can send a payment to another user with an account on the platform within the same resident country as you. 

  1. From the main navigation select Account > Transfer Money > Send Instant Payment
  2. Select the recipient from the To pull-down menu. The options are to another account holder or back to your paying company.
  3. If you are sending funds to another account holder, enter the recipient’s email address or their EmployeeID/UserID)
  4. Enter the Monetary Amount
  5. Click the Send Money button

Show More Information

Clicking the Show More Information link will allow you to:

  • Attach a file to the payment, an example might be a written note, receipt, etc. (supported file types are, JPG, PNG, PDF)
  • Include an additional comment/message with your payment

Once you have successfully added a personal bank account to your payment account profile you can transfer money from your payment account to that bank account (to add a bank account see Adding a Bank Account). 

  1. From the main navigation menu select Account > Transfer Money > Transfer To Your Bank
  2. Select the Bank of choice from the “To” pull-down menu
  3. Enter the Monetary Amount
  4. Enter only numbers, do not enter commas or other special characters.
  5. Click the Transfer Button
  6. Check the information to confirm your details, then click Submit

 *Note Bank transfers take about 2-5 business days to process. This does not include weekends or holidays*

*A fee may apply, please check the Fees link at the bottom of your payment account for associated fees.

User Profile

Here you can change your: 

  • Mailing and residential address
  • Business information
  • Phone numbers
  • Password
  • Email address

Card Changes

To dispute a transaction, you will need to contact Support.

Help > Contact Support

*Disputes are time sensitive, if you have unauthorized activity on your account, please notify Account Support immediately.

USD cardholders can change their card(s) PIN while logged in to their payment account. Once this action is performed, the previous PIN for that card will no longer work.

Please note that CAD and EUR cardholders cannot change their PIN.

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Card > Change PIN (the “Change PIN” modal window should open)
  2. If you have more than one card for which you can change the PIN, select which card you’d like to change the PIN for from the pull-down menu.
  3. Enter your new PIN (confirm)
  4. Click on the Set PIN button

You can report your card(s) as being lost or stolen while logged in to your payment account

This action will close your card immediately, and your card will no longer work. 

A fee may apply. Please check the Fees link at the bottom of the page for associated fees.

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Card > Report Lost/Stolen Card (the “Report Lost/Stolen Card” modal window will open)
  2. If you have more than one card in your account, select which card you’d like to report from the pull-down menu.
  3. Choose whether you believe the card to be lost or stolen and enter any additional notes/comments (where or when you remember using it last etc.)
  4. Choose whether or not you’d like to order a replacement card (optional)
  5. If ordering a replacement card, select the address you’d like the card to be mailed to
  6. Click on the Submit button

*A fee may apply, please check the Fees link at the bottom of your payment account for associated fees.

Additional Questions

For the most secure and best user experience, we suggest using the latest version of any of the below internet browsers to access your PayQuicker account.


  • Microsoft Edge
  • Mozilla Firefox (all platforms)
  • Google Chrome (Windows and Mac)
  • Safari (Mac)


  • Mobile Safari (iOS)
  • Chrome (Android and iOS)

Your PayQuicker account may work with additional browsers not on this list; however, please ensure you are using the latest version available.

PayQuicker does not support any End of Life browsers, including Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11) and earlier. IE 11, along with old versions of other browsers, do not provide the development tools necessary for continued innovation and improvement of your PayQuicker experience.

PayQuicker tests any new releases against the latest versions of the supported browsers in the above list to verify full functionality.

Bank transfers take about 2-5 business days to process. This does not include weekends or holidays.

Cardholder agreements are available for download at the bottom of your payment account in the footer.

To find your account/card fees, sign in to your account, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the “Fees” link.

To close your account, please email us your request at

  1. From the login screen, select the Forgot Username button
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Click the Send Reminder button
  4. In a new browser window, log into your personal email address account to retrieve the link we have sent you via email, and click the link to reset

  1. From the login screen, click the Forgot Password button
  2. Enter your email address
  3. Click the Submit button
  4. In a new browser window, log into your email account and open the “Password Reset” email
  5. Click on the link in the aforementioned email to reset your password
  6. Choose a new password (confirm)
  7. Click the Submit button

  1. From Account (located in the main navigation menu), select Change Password (this will log you out of your account)
  2. Click the Forgot Password button
  3. Type in your email address for your reset link
  4. Click the Submit button
  5. Log into your personal email to access your password change link

Yes. There is a mobile app available for iOS and Android. Please look for MyPayQuicker Mobile in the app store.

*Standard data rates, fee, and charges may apply.

You can check your balance at any time by logging into your account. You can also use the mobile app for iOS and Android. Please look for MyPayQuicker Mobile in the app store.

*Standard data rates, fees, and charges may apply.

Click the LOGOUT link located to the right on the main navigation menu.

All cards are shipped in standard US Mail and take about 7-14 business days to arrive.

Use your virtual card for instant spend while you wait for your plastic card to arrive in the mail. Click here to learn more.
*A fee may apply, please check the Fees link at the bottom of your payment account for associated fees.

Your card must be activated in order for you to use the funds in the account on the card. 

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Account > Account Settings
  2. On the Account Settings page, in the Card Information section any/all cards will be listed.
  3. If the card is not yet activated, you will see an Activate Your Card link.
  4. Verify that the last 6 digits of your card is correct
  5. Enter the CCV code printed on the back of your card (this is the 3-digit numerical code located on the upper right-hand side of the back of your card)
  6. Create a 4-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number)
  7. Verify the PIN
  8. Click the Activate card button